Ace Assisted is an app that finds the perfect Rochester, Minnesota area assisted living center for you. You can search for specific facilities or find one that meets your needs. There is information on each facility in order to find the perfect home for your family member. There is a GPS enabled map function that helps you find your destination and shows you directions on how to get to the facility. Created mostly for family members of the person who needs an assisted learning center, our app is designed to be very user friendly and easy to use for young and old.We are a group of sixth grade girls from Rochester, Minnesota who are participating in the Technovation Challenge. When we heard about Technovation, we became very excited about it because we are all interested in science and engineering. One of our team members' mom helps people from the area find suitable assisted living homes for their loved ones, and identified a need for an app like this, so we built it. We thought it was a needed app in our community today, because there are so many centers to choose from! There are websites on Assisted Living centers, of course, but we thought it would be much more efficient to have all of the centers in one app, so you can pull it up whenever you want. We hope many people use our app, and like it!